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I Can't Believe it's Not News: A Podcast about Fake News

Discussing fake news one article at a time.  Thoughts and opinions on how to respond to fake news.  Combating the changes to our society based on disinformation and propaganda.  Spread Jam.  Not lies.

May 21, 2017

Beth and Elizabeth follow up with a suggestion on how to respond to fake news, review two articles about James Comey, and then Elizabeth takes a turn down a rabbit hole into pizzagate 2.0.  An article asking for a crowdfunding is reviewed, and then the meme of the day.  Follow along and see the articles discussed with...

May 6, 2017

This week Beth and Elizabeth discuss an article about hair dye and cancer, as well as tips for how to respond to fake news.  Elizabeth also surprises Beth with some beautiful pictures from... you have to listen to find out more!

Episode Guide: